The best ever organization indoor car demonstrate in the world ended its 63rd occasion the past in Pomona. Not as a lot of participant showed up for the grand daddy drive-in this year other than the cars and motorcycles indoors for the show were all real showstoppers. One whole structure held the contender for the America's most good-looking roadster award. The prize for 2012 went to an Indy Speedster own by Bill Lindig and put up by Pomona's SoCal speed shop.
Then there is the Suede Palace. One structure of Work in Progress hot rod and rat rods. Just to make clear, roadsters are cars with no fixed roof and no turn about up windows. The suede fortress is also where there are pinstripers advertising their wares.
The charity pinstriping and sale was in the America’s best roadster candidate structure. The charitable trust chosen this year is the Gavin R Stevens basis. That is a base to fund research for Leber's congenital Amaurosis, a genetic disease that causes sightlessness at birth.
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